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Lease Addendums
These lease addendum forms are general and not specific for each circumstance. Please contact our office for more assistance with a customized Lease Addendum.
Agreement For Tenant to Vacate Property
Lease Renewal Letter with Increase in Rent
Lease Agreements
The lease agreements attached include template leases for different types of properties. If you need a more detailed lease for your situation, please contact us for further assistance.
Standard Residential Lease Agreement
Letter to Verify Employment
Letter to Verify Prior or Current Tenancy
Tenant Screening Report Checklist
Agreement to Lease
Lease Agreement Short Form
Residential Lease Issues Checklist
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Move-In/Out Forms
When a tenant moves in or vacates, use these forms to document the condition of the leased premises. Photographs can also be helpful. It is good if the tenant is present during the move-out review.
Move-In and Move-Out Checklist
Residential Tenant Move-out Cleaning Guide
Tenant Abandoned Property
Lease Applications
A prospective tenant should provide background information for the Landlord, Investor & Property Manager to use to evaluate the tenant and try to ensure a rent-paying and lease-abiding tenant is found.
Advices to Tenants
The below forms and documents can be used to inform tenants of matters such fire safety to bed bug preventions.
Factsheet on Highrise Fire Safety
Factsheet on Holiday Fire Safety
Factsheet on Home Fire Safety
Factsheet Fla. Dept of Agri. – Tenant Laws Eng.
Factsheet Dangers Carbon Monoxide FEMA
Factsheet FEMA Flood Insurance
Factsheet on Fire Escape Planning
Lead Paint Disclosure – FL Assoc. Realtors
HUD Lead Paint Disclosure – Eng.
HUD Lead Paint Disclosure – Spa.
HUD Disclosure Hazards of Lead Based Paint
HUD Bed Bug Notice
US EPA Mold Guide
Misc. Tenant Notices
These forms are available to operate the property effectively and efficiently. Customizations may be needed depending on the circumstance.
Advice to Tenant of Excessive Noise
Advice to Tenant Change in Property Manager
Advice to Tenant of Change in Landlord
Notice of Showing Leased Premises to New Tenant
Security Deposits
Florida law is specific on how Landlord, Investors & Property Managers must maintain security deposits. When keeping all or a part of a tenant’s deposit, follow proper procedures and notifications. Please contact us if you need further assistance.
Security Deposit Accounting Statement
Security Deposit Accounting Statement
Bad Checks
Unfortunately, receiving a check that is not honored by the bank can be frustrating. These forms try to help recover money owed.