We Perform Tenant Evictions According to the Following Process:
Complaint for Eviction with Lease (if written lease) and applicable Notice is filed with the Clerk of Court and served by the process server to the tenant(s). The Tenant(s) have 5 days thereafter to file a response to the Complaint with the Clerk of Court and/or deposit money into the Court Registry. If nothing is filed by the tenant(s), then we file for default and final judgment by the Judge. If the tenant(s) do file papers or money with the Clerk, which only occurs in a very small number of cases in our experience, then the eviction case is set for hearing or possibly mediation. We will then proceed to defeat the tenant(s) at the hearing and seek a final judgment for eviction by the Judge. The Final Judgment gives legal possession of the rental property back to the Landlord. After the Final Judgment is entered by the Judge, the Clerk of Court issues a Writ of Possession. Our goal is that we will get issued the final judgment and writ of possession within 30 days from the date of filing the Complaint for eviction. After we receive the issued Writ of Possession, we deliver it to you along with Writ of Possession Instructions. You shall determine whether the tenant(s) complied with the Court’s Final Judgment by vacating the rental property. If not, then you will give the original issued Writ of Possession to the Sheriff, along with the required Sheriff Fee. The Sheriff will go to the rental property to post the Notice of Sheriff Removal which advises the tenant(s) that the Sheriff will be back after 24 hours to remove the tenant from the rental property, to stand by to keep the peace while the Landlord changes the locks, if desired by the Landlord, and while the tenant(s)’ personal property to be removed from the rental property onto the property line, if desired by the Landlord. When you give the issued Writ of Possession to the Sheriff, you will inform them of the contact numbers for you so that the Sheriff can coordinate when the Sheriff Removal [not the 24 Hour Posting] will take place so you or someone on your behalf can be present at the time the Sheriff schedules the removal of the tenant. If for any reason you do not have your writ executed during the time in which the writ is valid, and you request a reopening of a case in order to have issued an Alias Writ, you will be responsible for court reopening fees as well as legal fees required for work in reopening the matter as stated in the ensuing Additional Legal Fees section.